Project Leader
Name | Inoue, Toru |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Project Leader, Group Leader of Group I |
Vice Project Leader
Name | Ando, Jun-ich |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group IV |
Name | Katayama, Ikuo |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group II |
Name | Shibata, Tomoyuki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group III |
Name | Yabuta, Hikaru |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group V |
Name | Miyahara, Masa-aki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor, Charge of Advertisement・Event |
Name | Koike, Mizuho |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor, Charge of Advertisement・Event |
High-school-University relationship
Name | Shiraishi, Fumito |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor, Charge of High-school-University relationship |
International relations
Name | DAS, Kaushik |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Charge of International relations |
Group structure
Group I. High pressure materials
Keywords | Water, high-pressure experiments, evolution of deep-earth’s materials, advanced material development |
Internal members (Group I. High pressure materials)
Name | Inoue, Toru |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Project Leader, Group Leader of Group I |
Name | Kawazoe, Takaaki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor |
Name | Sato, Tomoko |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor |
Name | Ishimatsu, Naoki |
Affiliation | Physics Program Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor |
Name | Fukuoka, Hiroshi |
Affiliation | Applied Chemistry Program Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor |
External members(Group I. High pressure materials)
Name | Irifune, Tetsuo |
Affiliation | Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University |
Position | Director, Professor(and Visiting Professor of Hiroshima University) |
Name | Kakizawa, Sho |
Affiliation | Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Overview of Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research Overview of Diffraction and Scattering Division |
Position | Tenure-track researcher |
Name | Robert C. Liebermann |
Affiliation | Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University |
Position | Distinguished Service Professor |
Name | Donald J. Weidner |
Affiliation | Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University |
Position | Distinguished Professor |
Name | Baosheng Li |
Affiliation | Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook Univesity |
Position | Research Professor |
Name | Gabriel D Gwanmesia |
Affiliation | Department of Physics and Engineering, Delaware State University |
Position | Professor |
Name | Yanbin Wang |
Affiliation | Center for Advanced Radiation, The University of Chicago |
Position | Research Professor |
Name | Jennifer Kung |
Affiliation | Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University |
Position | Associate professor |
Group II. Earthquake, Fault materials
Keywords | Water, fault, Earthquake, permeability experiments |
Internal members(Group II. Earthquake, Fault materials)
Name | Katayama, Ikuo |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group II |
Name | Suda, Naoki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Charge of education |
Name | Okazaki, Keishi |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor |
Name | Eranga Gayanath Jayawickrama |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Researcher |
Name | Hirose, Takehiro |
Affiliation | Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Position | Group Leader, Principal Researcher(and visiting professor of Hiroshima University) |
External members(Group II. Earthquake, Fault materials)
Name | Kita, Saeko |
Affiliation | Building Research Institute |
Position | Senior Researcher |
Name | Nakagawa, Takashi |
Affiliation | Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics, University of Leeds |
Position | Research Fellow(and visiting professor of Hiroshima University) |
Name | Hatakeyama, Kohei |
Affiliation | Department of education, Meisei University |
Position | Assistant professor |
Group III. Earth materials circulation
Keywords | Water, magma, volcano, water-rock interaction, deep earth fluid |
Internal members(Group III. Earth materials circulation)
Name | Shibata, Tomoyuki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group III |
Name | Yokoyama, Tadashi |
Affiliation | Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant Professor |
Name | Yoshikawa, Masako |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Researcher |
Name | Ishikawa,Tsuyoshi |
Affiliation | Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Position | Director, Principal Researcher(and visiting professor of Hiroshima University) |
Name | Nakada, Ryoichi |
Affiliation | Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Position | Senior Researcher (and visiting Associate professor of Hiroshima University) |
External members(Group III. Earth materials circulation)
Name | Namiki, Atsuko |
Affiliation | Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University |
Position | Associate professor |
Name | Hoshino, Ken-ichi |
Affiliation | The Open University of Japan |
Position | Visiting associate professor |
Name | CHAKRABORTI, Tushar Mouli |
Affiliation | Earth & Environmental Sciences (EES) Indian Institute of Science Education & research (IISER) Berhampur, Odisha, India |
Position | Post Doctoral Research Fellow |
Group IV. Tectonics
Keywords | Water, rock rheology, tectonics, mantle convection, crustal evolution, material development |
Internal members(Group IV. Tectonics)
Name | Ando, Jun-ich |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group IV |
Name | DAS, Kaushik |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Charge of International relations |
Name | Nakakuki, Tomoeki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor |
Name | Okawa, Makio |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor |
Name | Dyuti Prakash Sarkar |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor |
Name | Hayasaka, Yasutaka |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Researcher |
External members(Group IV. Tectonics)
Name | Kimura, Kosuke |
Affiliation | Osaka Metropolitan University, Department of Geosciences |
Position | Specially Appointed Lecturer |
Name | Gautam Ghosh |
Affiliation | Department of Geology, Presidency University |
Position | Professor, Head of the Department |
Name | Sankar Bose |
Affiliation | Department of Geology, Presidency University |
Position | Professor |
Name | Sadhana M. Chatterjee |
Affiliation | Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India |
Position | Associate Professor |
Group V. Life-Earth & planetary materials
Keywords | Water, microbes, history of life on Earth, extraterrestrial materials, space exploration |
Internal members(Group V. Life-Earth & planetary materials)
Name | Yabuta, Hikaru |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Professor, Vice Project Leader, Group Leader of Group V |
Name | Shiraishi, Fumito |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor, Charge of High-school-University relationship |
Name | Miyahara, Masa-aki |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Associate professor, Charge of Advertisement・Event |
Name | Koike, Mizuho |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant professor, Charge of Advertisement・Event |
Name | OTTO, Katharina A. |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering |
Position | Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) |
Name | Tomioka, Naotaka |
Affiliation | Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Position | Principal Researcher(and visiting professor of Hiroshima University) |
Name | Morono, Yuki |
Affiliation | Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Position | Principal Researcher(and visiting professor of Hiroshima University) |
Name | Hoshino, Tatsuhiko |
Affiliation | Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Position | Senior Researcher |
External members(Group V. Life-Earth & planetary materials)
Name | Partha Pratim Chakraborty |
Affiliation | University of Delhi |
Position | Professor |