Past Events
Past events in 2024
◆ 12th HiPeR International Symposium in collaboration with Department of Geological Sciences,Jadavpur University, India. Nov. 26 2024 (Tue) 14:00-17:30 (IST) / 17:30-21:00 (JST)
◆ 【HiPeR seminar】11/11 (Mon),2024「Water content estimated from the elastic properties of wadsleyite near 410 km depth in the Earth」Presenter: Dr. Masamichi NODA (Delaware State University Postdoctoral Fellow)
14:35~16:05, lecture room E104, 1st floor, faculty of science building E, Hiroshima University
◆ 【13th Homecoming Symposium & 11th HiPeR Symposium】Nov. 2nd 2024 (Sat) 12:30〜18:00 Lecture room E209, Faculty of science building E, Hiroshima University
◆ 【HiPeR seminar】11/1 (Fri),2024「Lithification process of carbonate deposits and surface environment」Presenter: Prof. Hirotaka Matsuda (Kumamoto University)
16:20~17:50, lecture room E210, 2nd floor, faculty of science building E, Hiroshima University
◆ 【HiPeR seminar】9/27 (Fri),2024
「Partitioning of highly siderophile elements between metal and silicate liquids up to lower mantle pressures」
Presenter: Prof. Takashi YOSHINO (Director, Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama Univ.)
(16:20~17:50, lecture room E002, 0th floor, faculty of science building E, Hiroshima University)
◆ 【HiPeR seminar】8/2 (Fri),2024「Marine redox fluctuations during the Great Oxidation Event revealed by stable cerium isotope ratio」Presenter: Ryoichi Nakata, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(16:20~17:50, lecture room B305, 3rd floor, faculty of science building B, Hiroshima University)
◆【HiPeR seminar】A quest for the water content of the lithospheric mantle: What are the challenges and opportunities? Prof. Jannick Ingrin (Université Lille, France)
Director of Research at the CNRS Leader of the team “Earth and Planetary Materials” Managing Editor of the European Journal of Mineralogy
29/03/2024 15:00〜16:00 A604-1
Past events in 2023
◆7/6 (Thu),2023 Hiper seminar 「Brittle fracturing in the deep subduction complex and the origin of intermediate-depth earthquakes: a link between petrology and seismology」 will be held.(13:00~14:20, lecture room B301, 3rd floor, faculty of science building B, Hiroshima University)
◆5/31 (Wed),2023 Hiper seminar 「Thermochemical state of the oceanic plate: an approach from petit-spot mantle xenoliths」 will be held.(16:20~17:50, lecture room E211, 2rd floor, faculty of science building E, Hiroshima University)
◆5/10 (Wed),2023 Hiper seminar 「Material cycling in the Earth’s interior: Geochemical data analyses and numerical」 will be held.(16:20~17:50, lecture room E203, 2rd floor, faculty of science building E, Hiroshima University)
◆4/27 (Thu),2023 Hiper seminar 「Atmopsheric helium isotopes and unknown source of helium-3」was held.
◆【10th HiPeR International Symposium】2/27 (Mon), 2023. 14:00~16:45 (IST); 17:30~20:15 (JST), Department of Geology, Delhi University, India (+ Online via Zoom) “10th HiPeR International Symposium in collaboration with Centre of Advance Studies” will be held.
◆1/16(Mon)・1/17 (Tue), 2023. 15:00-18:35 (Japan time) 【5th International Seminar】 「High-Pressure Mineralogy:Theory and Experiment」 (Zoom online seminar)
Past events in 2022
◆11/4 (Fri),2022 17:05–17:50 B305(Science faculty building, Hiroshima University) (online: Via MS-Teams) Presenter: Yuki Morono (JAMSTEC X-STAR Kochi ) Hiper seminar 「Exploring the life on fringe: investigation of hyper-low energy, subseafloor biosphere」will be held.
◆11/4 (Fri),2022 16:20–17:05 B305(Science faculty building, Hiroshima University) (online: Via MS-Teams) Presenter: CHATTERJEE M. Sadhana (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India (Presently Visiting Scientist at Hiroshima University) ) Hiper seminar 「Syn-tectonic granite emplacement in a transpression shear zone: Insights from Phulad Shear Zone, Rajasthan, India」will be held.
◆7/4 (Mon),2022 Hiper seminar 「Triaxial extension deformation tests on Berea sandstone – Effects of pore fluid pressure on extension and extension-shear mix-mode fractures」will be held.
◆5/1 (Sun),2022 Hiper seminar 「Development of hot water pressure vessel for low speed to high speed friction tester and future research prospects」will be held.
◆4/27 (Wed),2022 Hiper seminar 「Ultra-high pressure pseudotachylite and nanodiamonds」will be held
◆5/1 (Sun),2022 Aira-Tn volcanic ash layer with a maximum thickness of 80 cm appears in Shiraki-cho, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima City! We are planning to hold a tour for general and researchers again.
◆4/10 (Sun),2022 Aira-Tn volcanic ash layer with a maximum thickness of 80 cm appears in Shiraki-cho, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima City! A tour for local residents was held.
◆3/5 (Sat),2022 172nd regular meeting of the West Japan Chapter of the Geological Society of Japan and the 2021 general meeting
◆1/17 (Mon) and 18 (Tue), 2022 4th International Seminar “High-Pressure Mineralogy: Theory and Experiment”(Conveners: Prof. Toru Inoue and Prof. Andrey Bobrov)
Past events in 2020
◆November 23-25, 2020 : Isotope ratio sub-committee 2020
◆November 29, 2019 : 6th HiPeR Symposium at Hiroshima University 📄poster
◆March 4-6, 2019 : 4th HiPeR International Symposium at Hiroshima University 📄poster 📄program-4th symposium ◆Februaly26-27, 2019:3rd HiPeR International Symposium at Hiroshima UniversityPast events in 2019

◆January 28-29, 2019:2nd HiPeR International Symposium at Presidency University
Past events in 2018
◆January 24-29, 2018 1st HiPeR International Symposium
◆October 4, 2017 HiPeR kick-off seminar
Past events in 2017